Wednesday 17 February 2010

Countdown to the countdown

Kay's check this week went well. Her blood levels are still good and she looks great. Her hair has started to grow back a little but how long that will last I don't know. She is rather too full of energy, the bad weather limiting her ability to burn it off. And when Kay has too much energy, every one suffers. She gets short tempered, bossy, bored, fed up, manipulative, etc. But equally one can enjoy her energy, she's always up to something, always has something to say, is always busywith something, is always willing to help, is always looking for jobs to do, is ready with a loud laugh or a big smile, wants to sit on you knee, to snuggle in your arms, to fall asleep next to you...

The news from the specialist is that the search for a donor is progressing positively. They have a number of promising candidates that have returned samples for further typing. More will be known in the coming weeks. However they are certain enough of finding a donor - or of using Marion or I - that they are starting to plan the transplant. Next week on Monday Marion & I will sit with the BMT specialist to hear about the planning and the details. On Wednesday Kay needs to be in Nijmegen for a bunch of routine tests preliminary to the BMT. My guess is that the countdown proper will start within the next 3-4 weeks.

So the end of this period of rest is in sight. We're all off to the "Hof van Saxe" for four days to get a break. Kay is fit enough to be allowed to go swimming, so I suppose that's where the girls will be found during the coming days. That or bowling. In the coming weeks we'll need to get ourselves organized for an extended stay in the hospital. So I supposed that we'll have plenty to do.

More when we've heard about the planning on Monday...


  1. I didn't really realise how emotional your blogs were until I read this one and didn't feel exhausted and helpless at the end. It's lovely to hear such positive news.

  2. Hi Rob
    Glad to hear things are looking more positive for you all.
    Enjoy your break and know that you are all always in our thoughts.
    Much love and big hugs to you all.
    Lynne, John, James and Emily
