Monday, 17 May 2010

T+24: Going Home on Wednesday!

Today Faithless' new album was released, entitled "Not Going Home". I'm glad to say that he (and I) got it wrong: the plan is that Kay will go home on Wednesday. The basic reason is visible below:

Kay's leukocytes have risen from 0.4 to 0.7 and, better yet, her neutrophils are at 0.6, just above the minimum threashold of 0.5. The doctors are now convinced that Kay is showing a solid trend in the (initial) recovery of her immune system. They also think that they have found a good enough balance with her cyclosporine level and have today switched her on to oral medication.

However, her red cell count had dropped to 4.7 and her platelets to 17. Therefore the decision was taken to give her 450ml of red blood cell and a platelet transfusion. I suspect that this was also done to make it easier for her to go home. The only thing that bothers me is that the effect of Friday's platelet transfusion only lasted for 2 days. I hope that this will be taken into account, meaning that her blood should initially be tested a couple of times per week when we're at home.

When Marion called me with today's news (I was at the office), she gave me a near heart attack. The first thing that I heard was stress in her voice, then I realized that she was crying. I really thought that I was about to hear the very worst news, not the best. I think that my heart rate hit 180 for a short while.

Now we have to start the logistic operation to move back home, including moving a car load of stuff from the McD house and Kay's room, cleaning the house, ensuring that we have all the right meds and supplies, etc, etc. So it will be a busy few days. But needless to say, we all can't wait.

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