Thursday 22 April 2010

T-2: Countdown on hold - Rest Day

Today was an (extra) rest day. That includes a rest of writing blog entries!

All I'm going to say is that Kay has been doing well today.

Thanks for all your comments, it's great to know that we have a readership!


  1. Oh, you definitely have a readership! I'm your non-familial/don't know you personally reader who stumbled on your blog long ago while doing research for a book. I'm well done with that research, but I check every day to see how Kay is doing. I continue to marvel at kay's strength and that of your whole family. My significant other and I have been sending prayers and good vibes (one of us prays, the other vibes) that the transport issues would not interfere and I'm thrilled that's resolved. And that Mickey was found. I know you all still have some rough times ahead of you. I hope Kay's transplant and recovery go as smoothly as possible.

  2. Hi Diane,

    My sister, amongst others in our circle, has read your books and I have you queued on my Kindle. So I'm not the only one with a readership. ;-)

    Normally I'm quite a book worm - I've read about 25 books on the Kindle plus some paper ones since the start of the start of the year - but I've slowed down rather a lot in the last week. Marion has had the same thing for a while now. Hopefully I'll be able to read again shortly and will be able return your interest!

    Best regards,


  3. Dear Rob,

    You most definitely have a devoted readership. Like Diane, I have been following every day's news and am sure others do the same. It is wonderful to be able to stay in touch without fear of making a call at the wrong moment, or putting you through repetitions of pretty unbearable information. I read your personal blog too, and appreciate the perceptions you report there.

    Love to you all, as aways,

    Wendy and Patrick

  4. Robert, I can understand why you haven't had much time to read! Tell your sister "hi" from me. All best wishes for tomorrow.

