Thursday, 26 November 2009

Almost there...

The asparaginase is almost in, 1ml (15 mins) to go now. The medical team have been super and kept the whole thing under close supervision. I got pretty nervous because they cleared everything away from both sides of her bed, "in case we need to get here quickly". Then they laid out all the antidote medicines and started by giving her a preventative dose. Then the asparaginase was started.

Kay has had some reactions. Within the first 5 mins she complained of a mild attack of the sweats, but this could have been attributed to nerves as much as anything else. After about 30 mins she started complaining of tummy cramps. This was painful enough for her to be in tears. So it was decided to give her some paracetamol and some sofrane to prevent sickness. 15 mins later I noticed that she was shivering and she told me that she was cold. So we had to tuck her under the covers and give her a warm gelpack. At this point the infusion was stopped for 15 mins to let things settle. Kay fell asleep for a while and the shivering stopped. The pump was started again and things then ran smoothly for a while. After about 2.5 hours Kay noticed that she had a rash on her hands. The nurse looked further and found that she had a rash on her thighs as well. The doctor was called, more antidote was given and infusion slowed by 50%.

As I write this we have reached the end of the infusion and the line has been flushed, so all the asparaginase is been given. Kay's back and arms are covered in a rash but it's slowly dying out. We have to wait until it's gone and the doctor is satisfied before we can be released. But that seems pretty likely now.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kay,
    The last days were quite tense. Wether your bone marrow test was positive or not! Do you know that feeling when sometimes you want to cross your fingers for luck but you still are afraid? And then there was that medicine thing...
    When I read your blog the day before yesterday, I was totally flabbergasted by the fact that the staff in the hospital didn't know you have this allergic reaction to asparaginase and more... Don't they keep a record of patients?
    But I think that is the least of your worries hé, little girl?
    The positive result of your bone marrow test has to make up for all these bad things above.
    Now I can read between the lines that you probably will go home again.
    So, I wish you fine days amoung your family, friends and toys.
    A hugh,
