Monday 13 September 2010

A bit to add

Maybe my interpretation of the current numbers is a bit too negative. The staff today seem quite content with Kays state, but not to imply complacency either. The CRP is indeed high and higher than yesterday but the rate of increase has dropped at lot, which implies something started yesterday is doing its job. It was always going to take 48 hours before the additional meds had an effect, so one can conclude that things are as they should be right now. At least, if you follow my meaning. As they really should be is that we should be in France on our terrace sitting in the sun with the kids playing in the pool.


  1. I'm so glad you did a bit of re-analysing! It would be easy to focus on just one aspect, and dismiss the bigger picture - especially for someone who will always analyse the analysis....
    Hang in there Rob and Marion.
    Love Linda xx

  2. Antibiotics.... Do your thing! Can you hurry up too?

    Kay, the biological army is on it's way!!!

  3. You will get there Rob, don't worry. I had a dream about your place in France a couple of weeks ago. I was sat sipping some very cool French white wine, relaxing on the terrace and chatting to you and Marion as we all watched Kay and Nattie play in the sun. They weren't in the pool but poking something with a stick, not sure what as I was too far away to tell. Definately planning on living that dream!
    Sharon x

  4. Dear Rob and Marion,

    Here's to hoping that this time next year you will be relaxing in the sun with a stiff drink with the kids playing in the pool...

    Well, all things being well, this precise time next year you will probably having a heated debate with Kay about her choice of outfit / horse / homework!?

    Bring it on.

    Love Sam and family XXX

  5. Keep that thouhgt alive, sitting on you,re terrace with Marion and a good glas of wine and the children playing in the pool. It will be possible again but first the three of you and the rest on the homefront has to win this battle. We all hope that the good times are looking around the corner.Hang in there! XXX Joost & Jolanda.
