Monday, 6 September 2010

Systems Failing

In the morning meeting with the doctors we were told that Kay's systems are slowly failing. In particular her kidneys are shutting down. She will be put on dialysis this afternoon. That her kidneys are shutting down can be a temporary thing, in other words if she should recover, her kidney function would likely be restored.

There's no sign that the infection is improving. The xray of her lungs showed that they are clearer than yesterday but the conclusion is that this is because of the aggresive ventilation that she's getting. She is still getting maximum support.

However, it has become easier to ventilate her, sufficiently so that they now think there's a possibility to do a "lung wash" (don't know the english technical term), in other words a culture of her lungs. The hope is that this will allow a diagnosis to be made and the medication to be targetted. The broad spectrum toxic load on her system could then be reduced, improving her chances.

But her chances are truly very small.


  1. Hang in there all of you.
    There IS a chance and we're all rooting for you.
    Fight Kay, Fight!
    With love
    Linda and Em xx

  2. Come on darling Kay.... Like Linda says, fight darling. You've done so well for so long, one more big push for recovery. I'm willing you. All my love.

  3. Lieve Kay, Rob, Marjon, Nattie en Lauren,

    We leven erg met jullie mee en houden deze blog constant online.
    Heel veel liefde, kracht en hoop toegewenst.
    We zijn er voor jullie!
    Liefs Sandra Jeroen en Nina X X X
