Friday 17 September 2010

Interesting News Not of Immediate Importance

Again, I'm bowled over by how things work in these circumstances. We just heard that not only has the donor agreement to give more bone marrow for a boost, but that this will happen on MONDAY. In principle Kay will get the boost on Wednesday, if I'm correct about the timing. It will take weeks for the boost to have an effect, but still. As a result her CMV medication is being changed to something less toxic.

The O2 supply has just been turned down to 95%, the lower the better. But she's still fighting the ventilation every now and again. The feed rate into her intestines has been increased a bit, which is good. It's now 30ml per hour. If we can reach 50ml/hr then the intravenous feeding can be stopped. She's till peeing like a horse, 1.5 litres negative fluid balance yesterday.

Back to "not negatives", the chest xray from this morning was ... not worse than yesterday and the CRP was not worse than yesterday.

Oh for the day when we are able to count only positives.


  1. Well, good news about the bone marrow. Now there is a short-term goal to look forward to. This won't make the next days any less intense, but at least we can hope for gradual improvements soon, all going well. Hang in there. Love, James

  2. Well to a woman of very little understanding, it seems important!
    Glad to read about the change of meds and 'not worses'.
    Hang on there, keep watching the positives and telling Kay.
    Still thinking of you all the time.
    Loads of love and hugs to everyone.
    Linda xx

  3. I think it is an enormous positive sign that they are going ahead with the bone marrow and tells us all that the doctors are certainly thinking long term. I am delighted that it is going ahead.
    Sharon x
