Thursday, 16 September 2010

Knife pressed against thread

I just went up to hear how things have gone over night. The good news is that her CRP infection indicator has dropped dramatically. But bad news is that her O2 saturation has been at the bottom end of acceptable all night and that they have been fighting to keep it stable.

Eventually they have had to turn up the ventilation pressure, which increases the risk of damaging Kay's lungs into the danger zone. Everything is being pushed and pushed to the max and further to buy her time. And no-one knows how long it will be before an improvment in CRP translates to an improvement in breathing.

This is going to be another very long and agonizing day. And I hate waking up to another dose of terror/panic attack.


  1. So I was commenting on last night's post, as you wrote this...I just can't imagine the stress.
    Hang in there Rob. Fight Kay, fight.
    We're with you all day and all night.
    With loads of love and hugs.
    Linda and Em xx

  2. Dear Kay, I've stopped my spreadsheet again to chat to you, to make a cup of tea and eat a piece of chocolate. Now, there is a really good reason for you to hurry up and come back to us, you have been without chocolate far too long!

    I told you the bugs would be running for the hills. So now it's just concentrating on your breathing until all those little blighters have gone on the run. The battle of the banished bugs, hey? Let's just breath now. I'm thinking of you as I inhale and want you to do that with me. I'm going to train as a yoga teacher after this, I'm starting to get this controlled breathing thing, been doing it all day.

    Well, back to the worlds biggest spreadsheet again. But, I'm still here locked on you. My wonderful superstar niece.

    Chat later gorgeous xxx

  3. Keep going little fighter. We're all holding out for you and breathing together. xx
